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IMF says that Sri Lanka's creditors need to give it guarantees | Sri Lanka's News | Newsrme
Sri Lanka reaches deal reached with IMF to pay back creditors
IMF : If creditors don't provide assurances, it would deepen Sri Lanka's Crisis
IMF set to provide $2.9 billion to help crisis-hit Sri Lanka
LIVE: IMF delegates brief media on Sri Lanka loan
Sri Lanka: IMF approves $2.9bn bailout; India, Japan & France to launch platform to coordinate debt
Is the IMF loan to Sri Lanka a saviour or a band-aid?
IMF board poised to approve $2.9 billion Sri Lanka bailout
Sri Lanka needs a government with mandate - IMF sets the floor for bailout package
IMF & Private Creditors Subject Sri Lanka to Neo-Colonial Debt Bondage – Asoka Bandarage part 1/2
There are at least 2 ways Sri Lanka can get financing to get through the next few months: Professor
Sovereign Debt, IMF Negotiations and the Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka